A BIG Congratulations to Bundara Asha on becoming UKOBIGPR at the GCCF Cheshire Cat show .
I’m so proud of this amazing girl owned by Donna & Doug .
Welcome to Bundara Bengals, my name is Karen and I live on the outskirts of Bolton, Greater Manchester, I am a hobby breeder of the beautiful Bengal cats. We are fully licenced with Bolton council- Licence number 142048.
Welcome to Bundara Bengals, my name is Karen and I live on the outskirts of Bolton, Greater Manchester, I am a hobby breeder of the beautiful Bengal cats.
As a Bengal cat breeder my aim is to breed Bengal kittens of excellent type and to have wonderful temperaments.
All my Bengal cats and kittens are part of our family and the kittens are raised indoors with all the love and care they deserve.

Imperial Grand Premier Bundara Asha
We regularly show our Bengal cats with the GCCF, please go to the news page for recent show reports and results.
I am a small hobby breeder of the beautiful Bengal cat, I take my hobby very seriously and breed quality Bengal Kittens from excellent bloodlines with the health and temperament being of paramount importance.
All our cats are PK Def and PRA-b normal

Bengal Kittens
I strive to breed show quality Bengal kittens and are of course very pleased when this happens. However, health and temperament come first, so show quality is a bonus and not a criteria!
To develop our breeding programme, we have chosen our breeding queens for Bundara Bengals from top bloodlines to ensure a good temperament and spectacular rosetted coats.